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Thanks to Sherry Heier for photo

Thanks to Sherry Heier for photo
IMA: A Musicological Dig
The duo known as Intense Molecular Activity worked diligently in the background during the zenith of New York City’s visceral post punk and no wave movements. Weaving its unique brand of electronic music at off hours, they handcrafted a prototype of what many dj's around the planet are spinning today. Case in point: One of IMA's creations "Blurb" was sampled 22 years after it's release to become an integral component of an international club hit single. IMA is composed of Don Hunerberg and Andy George, aka: Blinx, accompanied by several guest musician/friends. Aside from drumming, percussion, singing and co writing for IMA, Blinx worked as a drummer and club sound technician by night. By day, Andy also created original fashion accessories of LED lights employing artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and the club Area founders Chris and Eric Good. Blinx accessories were commissioned by Patricia Field, Maripol, Grace Jones, Soft Cell, Klaus Nomi, Kiss, AC/DC and various private clients. In addition to Hunerberg's synthesizer, vocal, producing and recording duties for IMA he also found time to record many influential bands as sound engineer at the Radio City Music Hall recording studio. At this legendary location, Don recorded The Ramones, Blondie, John Cale, Richard Hell, John Zorn, Glenn Branca, John Cage and many more including Sonic Youth's debut album. It was in between some of these sessions from 1979 to 1982 that IMA painstakingly wove together its own textured songs and soundscapes. Composing directly onto a 24 track Studer 2" tape machine, IMA created and honed their pieces utilizing tape loops, analog synthesizers, Blinx’ drums, drum machines, electric guitars, experimental recording techniques and a vast array of acoustic orchestral instruments housed in the studio high above the proscenium of Radio City Music Hall. All this before the advent of computers or digital recording, giving their unique electronic music it’s one of a kind vision.
IMA released an EP in 1980 on flexi-disc showcasing four different tracks from these sessions that was independently produced and then distributed worldwide by Ed Bahlman of 99 Records. The recording has since become a rare and hidden gem for die-hard record collectors around the world. During this time, IMA also collaborated with recording artist and Broadway producer Rupert Holmes, art rockers The Lampshades and Twin Art. IMA also produced music for Manhattan Cable spots and wrote soundtracks for the modern dance companies of Judy Padow, Jonathan Apples and Wendy Perron. The band also appeared on the record compilation painfully titled Just Another Asshole with the likes of individual members of Sonic Youth. Also on a cassette release from 1981’s Noise Fest. This rare show at the White Columns Gallery, including a performance by the first incarnation of The Beastie Boys (Ad Hoc Rock), was the only time IMA reproduced its hybrid sound live due to the intricate prerecorded nature of IMA’s electronic music that required live performance technologies that didn’t yet exist.
Hunerberg and Blinx’ previously unreleased 12 track CD is available now again for the first time.